- About
California Bay Area Blaster Tag Association - competitive nerf league events for our area will be hosted through here.
- Games
- There Are No Upcoming Games hosted by this Club .
- Past Events
- Season 2 Event 5 - King of the Hill League Event btaSan Jose, CAAug 17, 2019
- Da DartSweep API Admin 1 Games 0 Matches 0 Wins 0 Losses 0.0 % Win Rate
Jangular Member 0 Games 0 Matches 0 Wins 0 Losses 0.0 % Win Rate
Bay Area Foam Sports
- 2Members
- 2023Founded
San Jose, California
United States
- 2023Founded
- Overview
- Members
- Ruleset
Your Club's Logo will be used on the Club Listing, Discord embeds, Search results, and other small references. If a Club Banner is available, it will be used in place of your Logo whenever the Club is displayed in Card view.
If you provide a Facebook link to your Public Group or Page, we will attempt to automatically import your events. Providing a Discord invite link will allow players to instantly join your Discord server!.
Just enter your email address below, and we'll send you a single-use use code in order to sign in — easy peasy.
If you're new here, we'll just ask you for a few details and then create an account for you automatically.