
Infinite Scrolling?

question by api

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Currently DartSweep's "Explore" page is limited to about 20 things. This is partially because I ran out of time and partially because I don't know how I feel about it being "infinite" because doomscrolling is a thing.

I was curious how other people felt about it, because I think it's important to have a timeline-like function in order to quickly see what's going on recently. This is also an excuse to test conversations out.

2 Years Ago
  • Brandon Diazbrandondiaz2 Years Ago

    I accidently posted this through the bot account. Maybe it was on purpose so I could test the bot badges.

  • Spspyr2 Years Ago

    Might be an option to have a user setting for how many posts to load at once, and then have it so scrolling past the bottom of the page works like the "pull down to refresh" gesture works on other sites ... but loads more posts (no idea how much work that'd be, but it'd give a similar feel to infinite scroll while being far more intentional of an action to limit doomscrolling maybe?)

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