Osprey A2

3D Printed Blaster By YoursKatiaRomanova

The OSPEREY A2 has come! A big rework on its outlook and inner structure. -Removed the reset botton.The bolt will replace the plunger now. -Redesigned the grip and stock.Maybe more comfortable. -Redesighed the front part of the piston.Made it easier to pull,to overcome resistance. -Redesigned sights.Add any scope you like! The OSPREY series blasters are compressed gas powered nerf blasters,with no spring provides energy inside.Use 1336 nerf darts as projectiles.Designed for targeting.Powerful and accurate. Full assembly process can be found in the assembly instructions PDF attached, which should solve most problems you will meet. Ask me with messages whatever problem you meet, although I do not get online Thingiverse often. Twitter @LordKaterina or Discord @Katerina I.R. is also available. 鱼鹰A2 堂堂发布! 在外管和内构上都进行了不小的改动。 -去掉了重置按钮,现在拉栓就能重置核心杆。 -重做了握把和后托,希望能更顺手,嗯。 -重做了活塞前端,更容易拉出或者克服那巨大的摩擦。 -机瞄重做。装镜子试试吧。 鱼鹰系列软弹发射器是预压气原理的发射器,而非弹簧活塞动力的。使用1336短弹。设计出来就是为了打靶。强力且精准。 组装过程可以看附带的组装说明PDF,应该可以解决大部分问题。 有问题欢迎来私信问 虽然可能很久才看一次T站 也可以在B站 @卡洁莉娜Channel 私信 会在看到的第一时间解答

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